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Bricks and mortar: 292A Bridge Road Richmond 3121 AND 615 - 617 Whitehorse Road, Surrey Hills 3127
Bricks and mortar: 292A Bridge Road Richmond 3121 AND 615 - 617 Whitehorse Road, Surrey Hills 3127
Moon Dog Beers

Moon Dog Beers

 Back when Moon Dog was little more than a wild idea, independent brewing in Australia was only just finding its feet. We started this brewery when real experimentation and playing with different flavours and styles was pretty much unheard of here. It wasn’t about being weird for the sake of it, or pushing boundaries as a gimmick — we just wanted to make interesting, full-flavoured beers that we couldn’t buy down at the local bottle-o. We threw everything but the kitchen sink into those early beers: peat smoked malts, pumpkin, gingerbread, coffee, melons, you name it. One of our first beers even used stewed cherry plums from mum’s backyard.

Fast forward to the present and the rest of the beer world looks a lot different than it used to. Sours are everywhere, most breweries are waging something in old wine or whisky barrels out back, people are making big, bold IPAs as a matter of course, and beers made with fruit, coffee, herbs, spices, and any number of non-traditional ingredients are no longer seen as a novelty.

In short, Australian beer these days looks a lot more Moon Dog. And we couldn’t be happier! For us, it’s always been about crafting beers that are fun and a little bit different.

We’re still making it all, from easy-drinking pale ales and lagers to massive stouts, and everything in-between. We’re a proudly independent, Australian-owned craft brewery, still run by the same guys who started it all those years ago. And these days, we’re sending our beer throughout Australia, across the world, and serving it up in our Brewery Bar and Ballroom Oasis here in Melbourne.