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Bricks and mortar: 292A Bridge Road Richmond 3121 AND 615 - 617 Whitehorse Road, Surrey Hills 3127
Bricks and mortar: 292A Bridge Road Richmond 3121 AND 615 - 617 Whitehorse Road, Surrey Hills 3127

Boatrocker House White 500ml

ABV 6.0%
by Boatrocker Brewers & Distillers
Sold out
Since 2013 we have been working with wild yeasts and barrels to develop own unique culture that provides complexity, funk and most importantly - deliciousness! We call these yeasts and bacteria our house cultures and the outcome is House White; a blend of 12, 18 and 24 month old barrel aged wild ales from our own unique house yeast strain cultivated over many years. Expect prominent Brettanomyces character, puckering dry acidity with a little funk! Lemon sherbet and chardonnay like fruitiness with plenty of barrel character too.
About this beer

ABV 6.0%
Barrel Aged
Sour - Wild Ale