Bruny Island Whey Stout 500ml
ABV 5.8%
Bruny Island Beer Co.
Whey Stout is inspired by the medicinal 'milk' stouts of Victorian England – enriched with lactose (refined milk sugar), they were prescribed for a wide range of ailments. In our case, getting the lactose involves carrying nearly 400 litres of cow's milk whey left over from making Raw Milk C2 to the brew kettle, 50 metres from the cheesery. Our ale yeast cannot digest the whey's lactose, meaning that it remains in the beer after fermentation and adds texture and sweetness. Whey Stout has a full-bodied, creamy mouthfeel and tastes smooth and roasty, with a slightly sweet, milk chocolate finish and just a hint of bitterness.
About this beer
ABV 5.8%
New Arrival
Stout - Sweet